如果你有婚姻和家庭治疗的研究生学位, 你只需要完成核心课程和实习/实践就可以获得医疗家庭治疗证书. 课程也可以单独进行.
如果你接受过社会工作方面的研究生培训, 行为科学, 神学, 护理, 或医学, 网易彩票app会复习你之前的课程. Depending on past coursework, additional credits in systems theory and family therapy may be needed.
对大多数学生来说, 该证书可以在两年的时间内完成,第一年每季度两到三节课,第二年实习/实践.
毕竟,课程在夏末或初秋完成, 你将进行为期一年的实习,每周10-25小时, usually in an outpatient medical clinic or a non-profit medical specialty mental health center. You will have a chance to discuss internship placement possibilities prior to placement.
诊所的专业范围从家庭医学, 肿瘤学, 妇女的健康, 以及其他专业医疗网站. 你将与医生、护士和提供现场护理的工作人员一起工作. 你将积极参与制图工作, 和医疗团队商量, 程序开发, and clinical mental health treatment of patients and their 家庭 from a bio社会心理-精神上的 care model.
实习期间, 您还将参加实习课程,在该课程中,您将接受AAMFT批准的主管或主管候选人的病例临床监督.
每季度提供两到三次, 这些天, 周五研讨会是为忙碌的研究生和研究生心理健康专业人员以及对心理健康教育感兴趣的牧师而设计的. 请查看 SPU研究生课程当前时间表 for this year’s course dates (time of year might change in response to faculty availability).
mdft6633 BPSS在MedFT中的关怀和协作(1)-必需
本次研讨会回顾了生物、心理、社会、精神治疗和行为健康访谈的本质,以及用于与个人合作的干预措施, 夫妻, 以及面对疾病的家庭. We will examine brief bio社会心理-精神上的 interview formats and practice using them. 网易彩票app将复习医学用语, 图表, 以及不同层次的综合护理, and will examine communication and collaboration skills required to work successfully with healthcare 提供者s. 非MFT和MDFT的研究生, 以及CE专业人士, may register with permission of the Medical 家庭 Therapy program director or class instructor. 电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
MDFT 6652病人和家庭健康的动机性访谈(1)-必需
This seminar will focus on the impact of harmful health behaviors on health and wellness. 它将审查社会心理提供者的需求,这些提供者可以与提供者合作,帮助患者和家庭,因为他们的生活方式发生了重大变化. Topics will include: US statistics of diseases caused largely by lifestyle; and assessing values, 优先级, 以及病人和家属改变的障碍和动机. The focus of the class will be the introduction and practice of motivational interviewing skills. 非MFT和MDFT的研究生, 和CE专业人士, may register with permission of the Medical 家庭 Therapy program director or class instructor. 电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
mdft6648 MedFT评估和工具(1)
This course will cover several prevalent types of illnesses in children and adults, 特别关注对病人和家属的影响. Topics to be covered include: types of illness from a culturally responsive systemic and bio社会心理 perspective; family life cycle implications; family structure implications; several commonly used (in primary care) mental health assessment tools; the behavioral health consultation model; and health-focused systemic/relational family therapy. 非MFT和MDFT的研究生, 和CE专业人士, may register with permission of the Medical 家庭 Therapy program director or class instructor.
电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
MDFT 6649脑通治疗师(1)
This course reviews basic brain structure and human neural development within relationships, 强调依恋和心理治疗的过程. It touches on basic neurodiversity symptoms and professions to refer to for assessment and treatment (e.g.自闭症谱系和感觉统合). 学生们将在生命的头二十年学习大脑发育, including memory; the shaping the nervous system; left and right brain functions; 情感 regulation; and other benefits of promoting metacognition skills and an integrated brain. 非MFT和MDFT的研究生, 和CE专业人士, may register with permission of the Medical 家庭 Therapy program director or class instructor.
电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
MDFT 6651精神与健康(1)
This course explores the impact of individual and family beliefs/meanings regarding anticipatory grief, 宽恕, 悲伤贯穿一生和家庭过程, 和死亡. 课程阅读资料, 资源, and discussion will focus on a variety of cultural and religious beliefs and practices. 个人和家庭的悲伤模式都将被检查. 学生应该表现出开放的态度, 尊重, 和好奇心, 以及讨论悲伤模式的能力考虑到自己的偏见以及潜在的与他人的价值观和信仰的契合. 非MFT和MDFT的研究生, 和CE专业人士, may register with permission of the Medical 家庭 Therapy program director or class instructor. 电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
回顾脑科学与心理治疗相关的最新信息. Learn about the basics in brain physiology and neurobiology; how to use the understanding of brain science to facilitate interventions with clients and 家庭; treatment ideas; case reviews; and why therapists need to understand how a brain learns, 变化, 和功能. 电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
MDFT 6632合作与实践在综合护理中的作用(1)
本课程回顾了医疗家庭治疗师与提供者和跨学科护理团队成功合作所需的核心概念. 涉及的主题将包括医疗保健水平, 温暖的传递, 护理的连续性, 推荐, 以及其他提供者的类型/角色. The varied roles of the medical family therapist in primary care and specialty care will be reviewed. Students will practice teaching each other about the MedFT's role on a healthcare team. 非MFT和MDFT的研究生, 和CE专业人士, may register with permission of the Medical 家庭 Therapy program director or class instructor.
电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.
本次研讨会将探讨创伤知情生物、心理、社会、精神(BPSS)护理和医疗家庭治疗的整合. Topics may vary year to year based on the expertise and specialization of students enrolled in the course. 本课程将讨论创伤知情护理中的重要问题, such as definitions of trauma; biological experiences of trauma; vulnerabilities during and after trauma exposure (for individuals, 家庭, and communities); possible roles for medical family therapists on trauma and crisis interventions teams (e.g., critical incident stress debriefing); and assessing barriers to medical and mental healthcare. 在课程结束时, 学生将能够描述如何将创伤知情的镜头应用到他们专业的医疗家庭治疗领域. 课程开放给MFT研究生和MFT学生. 其他研究生和CE专业人员可以在医疗家庭治疗项目主任或班主任的许可下参加. Graduate credit requires registration, tuition payment, and completion of all assignments. 电子邮件 mdft@bopinsc.com 注册.